

Upscale images with CDC model, developed and trained by 7eu7d7, the models are hosted on deepghs/cdc_anime_onnx.

Here are some examples:


Here is the benchmark of CDC models:



CDC model has high quality, and really low running speed. As we tested, when it upscales an image with 1024x1024 resolution on 2060 GPU, the time cost is approx 70s/image. So we strongly recommend against running it on CPU. Please run CDC model on environments with GPU for better experience.


imgutils.upscale.cdc.upscale_with_cdc(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, model: str = 'HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320', tile_size: int = 512, tile_overlap: int = 64, batch_size: int = 1, silent: bool = False) Image[source]

Upscale the input image using the CDC upscaler model.

  • image (ImageTyping) – The input image.

  • model (str) – The name of the model to use. (default: ‘HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320’)

  • tile_size (int) – The size of each tile. (default: 512)

  • tile_overlap (int) – The overlap between tiles. (default: 64)

  • batch_size (int) – The batch size. (default: 1)

  • silent (bool) – Whether to suppress progress messages. (default: False)


The upscaled image.

Return type:



RGBA images are supported. When you pass an image with transparency channel (e.g. RGBA image), this function will return an RGBA image, otherwise return a RGB image.

>>> from PIL import Image
>>> from imgutils.upscale import upscale_with_cdc
>>> image ='cute_waifu_aroma.png')
>>> image
<PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGBA size=1168x1168 at 0x7F0E8CA06880>
>>> upscale_with_cdc(image)
<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=4672x4672 at 0x7F0E48EDB640>