

Detect and recognize text in images.

The models are exported from PaddleOCR, hosted on huggingface - deepghs/paddleocr.


This is an overall benchmark of all the text detection models:


and an overall benchmark of all the available text recognition models:



imgutils.ocr.detect_text_with_ocr(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, model: str = 'ch_PP-OCRv4_det', heat_threshold: float = 0.3, box_threshold: float = 0.7, max_candidates: int = 1000, unclip_ratio: float = 2.0) List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], str, float]][source]

Detect text in an image using an OCR model.

  • image (ImageTyping) – The input image.

  • model (str, optional) – The name of the text detection model.

  • heat_threshold (float, optional) – The heat map threshold for text detection.

  • box_threshold (float, optional) – The box threshold for text detection.

  • max_candidates (int, optional) – The maximum number of candidates to consider.

  • unclip_ratio (float, optional) – The unclip ratio for text detection.


A list of detected text boxes, label (always text), and their confidence scores.

Return type:

List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], str, float]]

>>> from imgutils.ocr import detect_text_with_ocr
>>> detect_text_with_ocr('comic.jpg')
[((742, 485, 809, 511), 'text', 0.9543377610144915),
 ((682, 98, 734, 124), 'text', 0.9309689495575223),
 ((716, 136, 836, 164), 'text', 0.9042856988923695),
 ((144, 455, 196, 485), 'text', 0.874083638387722),
 ((719, 455, 835, 488), 'text', 0.8628696346175078),
 ((124, 478, 214, 508), 'text', 0.848871771901487),
 ((1030, 557, 1184, 578), 'text', 0.8352495440618789),
 ((427, 129, 553, 154), 'text', 0.8249209443996619)]


If you need to extract the actual text content, use the ocr() function.


imgutils.ocr.ocr(image: str | PathLike | bytes | bytearray | BinaryIO | Image, detect_model: str = 'ch_PP-OCRv4_det', recognize_model: str = 'ch_PP-OCRv4_rec', heat_threshold: float = 0.3, box_threshold: float = 0.7, max_candidates: int = 1000, unclip_ratio: float = 2.0, rotation_threshold: float = 1.5, is_remove_duplicate: bool = False)[source]

Perform optical character recognition (OCR) on an image.

  • image (ImageTyping) – The input image.

  • detect_model (str, optional) – The name of the text detection model.

  • recognize_model (str, optional) – The name of the text recognition model.

  • heat_threshold (float, optional) – The heat map threshold for text detection.

  • box_threshold (float, optional) – The box threshold for text detection.

  • max_candidates (int, optional) – The maximum number of candidates to consider.

  • unclip_ratio (float, optional) – The unclip ratio for text detection.

  • rotation_threshold (float, optional) – The rotation threshold for text detection.

  • is_remove_duplicate (bool, optional) – Whether to remove duplicate text content.


A list of detected text boxes, their corresponding text content, and their combined confidence scores.

Return type:

List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], str, float]]

>>> from imgutils.ocr import ocr
>>> ocr('comic.jpg')
[((742, 485, 809, 511), 'MOB.', 0.9356705927336156),
 ((716, 136, 836, 164), 'SHISHOU,', 0.8933000384412466),
 ((682, 98, 734, 124), 'BUT', 0.8730931912907247),
 ((144, 455, 196, 485), 'OH,', 0.8417627579351514),
 ((427, 129, 553, 154), 'A MIRROR.', 0.7366019454049503),
 ((1030, 557, 1184, 578), '(EL)  GATO IBERICO', 0.7271127306351021),
 ((719, 455, 835, 488), "THAt'S △", 0.701928390168364),
 ((124, 478, 214, 508), 'LOOK!', 0.6965972578194936)]

By default, the text recognition model used is ch_PP-OCRv4_rec. This recognition model has good recognition capabilities for both Chinese and English. For unsupported text types, its recognition accuracy cannot be guaranteed, resulting in a lower score. If you need recognition for other languages, please use :func:`list_rec_models` to view more available recognition models and choose the appropriate one for recognition.

>>> from imgutils.ocr import ocr
>>> # use default recognition model on japanese post
>>> ocr('post_text.jpg')
    ((319, 847, 561, 899), 'KanColle', 0.9130667787597329),
    ((552, 811, 791, 921), '1944', 0.8566762346615406),
    ((319, 820, 558, 850), 'Fleet  Girls Collection', 0.8100635458911772),
    ((235, 904, 855, 1009), '海', 0.6716076803280185),
    ((239, 768, 858, 808), 'I ·  tSu · ka ·  A· NO· u·  mI ·  de', 0.654507230718228),
    ((209, 507, 899, 811), '[', 0.2888084133529467)
>>> # use japanese model
>>> ocr('post_text.jpg', recognize_model='japan_PP-OCRv3_rec')
    ((319, 847, 561, 899), 'KanColle', 0.9230690942939336),
    ((552, 811, 791, 921), '1944', 0.8564870717047623),
    ((235, 904, 855, 1009), 'いつかあの海で', 0.8061289060358996),
    ((319, 820, 558, 850), 'Fleet   Girls  Collection', 0.8045396777081609),
    ((239, 768, 858, 808), 'I.TSU.KA・A・NO.U・MI.DE', 0.7311649382696896),
    ((209, 507, 899, 811), '「艦とれれ', 0.6648729016512889)


imgutils.ocr.list_det_models() List[str][source]

List available text detection models for OCR.


A list of available text detection model names.

Return type:


>>> from imgutils.ocr import list_det_models
>>> list_det_models()


imgutils.ocr.list_rec_models() List[str][source]

List available text recognition models for OCR.


A list of available text recognition model names.

Return type:


>>> from imgutils.ocr import list_rec_models
>>> list_rec_models()