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This module provides utilities for handling image blob URLs, including conversion between images and blob URLs,
and validation of blob URL format.

The module supports:

- Converting images to blob URLs with specified formats
- Loading images from blob URLs
- Validating image blob URL format
- Handling various image formats and MIME types

import base64
import re
import warnings
from io import BytesIO

from PIL import Image

from .image import load_image, ImageTyping

__all__ = [


[docs]def to_blob_url(image: ImageTyping, format: str = 'jpg', **save_kwargs) -> str: """ Convert an image to a blob URL string. :param image: The input image, can be PIL Image, numpy array, or file path :type image: ImageTyping :param format: The desired image format for the blob URL, defaults to 'jpg' :type format: str :param save_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to PIL :return: A blob URL string containing the encoded image data :rtype: str :example: >>> img ='test.jpg') >>> blob_url = to_blob_url(img, format='png', quality=95) >>> print(blob_url) # data:image/png;base64,...</pre> """ image = load_image(image, mode=None, force_background=None) format = (_FORMAT_REPLACE.get(format.upper(), format)).upper() with BytesIO() as buffer:, **{'format': format, **save_kwargs}) mime_type = Image.MIME.get(format.upper(), f'image/{format.lower()}') base64_str = base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode('ascii') return f"data:{mime_type};base64,{base64_str}"
[docs]def load_image_from_blob_url(blob_url: str) -> Image.Image: """ Load an image from a blob URL string. :param blob_url: The blob URL string containing encoded image data :type blob_url: str :return: A PIL Image object :rtype: PIL.Image.Image :raises ValueError: If the blob URL uses an unsupported encoding method :warns UserWarning: If MIME type doesn't match the actual image format or is invalid :example: >>> blob_url = "data:image/png;base64,..." >>> img = load_image_from_blob_url(blob_url) >>> """ header, data = blob_url.split(",", maxsplit=1) meta_parts = header.split(";") mimetype = meta_parts[0][5:] encoding = meta_parts[1] if len(meta_parts) > 1 else "" if encoding != "base64": raise ValueError(f'Unsupported blob encoding method - {encoding!r}.') decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data) with BytesIO(decoded_data) as buffer: image = image.load() if '/' in mimetype: expected_type = mimetype.split('/')[-1].upper() actual_format = image.format.upper() if image.format else None if actual_format != expected_type: warnings.warn( f"MIME type {mimetype!r} does not match detected image format {image.format!r}", UserWarning ) else: warnings.warn( f"Invalid MIME type format: {mimetype!r}", UserWarning ) return image
_IMAGE_BLOB_URI_REGEX = re.compile( r'^data:image/' # Required MIME type prefix r'[^;,]+' # Image subtype (at least one character) r'(;[^;,]+)*' # Optional parameters (like base64) r',' # Data separator r'.*', # Data part (can be empty) flags=re.IGNORECASE # Case-insensitive (e.g., DATA:IMAGE/PNG) )
[docs]def is_valid_image_blob_url(blob_url: str) -> bool: """ Efficiently validate the format of an image blob URL (without validating data content). :param blob_url: The URL string to validate :type blob_url: str :return: True if the string is a valid image blob URL, False otherwise :rtype: bool :example: Valid formats: >>> is_valid_image_blob_url('') # True >>> is_valid_image_blob_url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg/>') # True >>> is_valid_image_blob_url('DATA:IMAGE/JPEG;quality=95,...') # True Invalid formats: >>> is_valid_image_blob_url('data:text/plain,hello') # False >>> is_valid_image_blob_url('') # False """ return bool(_IMAGE_BLOB_URI_REGEX.fullmatch(blob_url))