Source code for imgutils.tagging.order
import random
import re
from typing import Literal, Union, List, Mapping
[docs]def sort_tags(tags: Union[List[str], Mapping[str, float]],
mode: Literal['original', 'shuffle', 'score'] = 'score') -> List[str]:
Sort the input list or mapping of tags by specified mode.
Tags can represent people counts (e.g., '1girl', '2boys'), and 'solo' tags.
:param tags: List or mapping of tags to be sorted.
:type tags: Union[List[str], Mapping[str, float]]
:param mode: The mode for sorting the tags. Options: 'original' (original order),
'shuffle' (random shuffle), 'score' (sorted by score if available).
:type mode: Literal['original', 'shuffle', 'score']
:return: Sorted list of tags based on the specified mode.
:rtype: List[str]
:raises ValueError: If an unknown sort mode is provided.
:raises TypeError: If the input tags are of unsupported type or if mode is 'score'
and the input is a list (as it does not have scores).
Sorting tags in original order:
>>> from imgutils.tagging import sort_tags
>>> tags = ['1girls', 'solo', 'red_hair', 'cat ears']
>>> sort_tags(tags, mode='original')
['solo', '1girls', 'red_hair', 'cat ears']
>>> tags = {'1girls': 0.9, 'solo': 0.95, 'red_hair': 1.0, 'cat_ears': 0.92}
>>> sort_tags(tags, mode='original')
['solo', '1girls', 'red_hair', 'cat_ears']
Sorting tags by score (for a mapping of tags with scores):
>>> from imgutils.tagging import sort_tags
>>> tags = {'1girls': 0.9, 'solo': 0.95, 'red_hair': 1.0, 'cat_ears': 0.92}
>>> sort_tags(tags)
['solo', '1girls', 'red_hair', 'cat_ears']
Shuffling tags (output is not unique)
>>> from imgutils.tagging import sort_tags
>>> tags = ['1girls', 'solo', 'red_hair', 'cat ears']
>>> sort_tags(tags, mode='shuffle')
['solo', '1girls', 'red_hair', 'cat ears']
>>> tags = {'1girls': 0.9, 'solo': 0.95, 'red_hair': 1.0, 'cat_ears': 0.92}
>>> sort_tags(tags, mode='shuffle')
['solo', '1girls', 'cat_ears', 'red_hair']
if mode not in {'original', 'shuffle', 'score'}:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown sort_mode, \'original\', '
f'\'shuffle\' or \'score\' expected but {mode!r} found.')
npeople_tags = []
remaining_tags = []
if 'solo' in tags:
for tag in tags:
if tag == 'solo':
if re.fullmatch(r'^\d+\+?(boy|girl)s?$', tag): # 1girl, 1boy, 2girls, 3boys, 9+girls
if mode == 'score':
if isinstance(tags, dict):
remaining_tags = sorted(remaining_tags, key=lambda x: -tags[x])
raise TypeError(f'Sort mode {mode!r} not supported for list, '
f'for it do not have scores.')
elif mode == 'shuffle':
return npeople_tags + remaining_tags