Upscale images with CDC model, developed and trained by `7eu7d7 <https://github.com/7eu7d7>`_,
the models are hosted on `deepghs/cdc_anime_onnx <https://huggingface.co/deepghs/cdc_anime_onnx>`_.
Here are some examples:
.. image:: cdc_demo.plot.py.svg
:align: center
Here is the benchmark of CDC models:
.. image:: cdc_benchmark.plot.py.svg
:align: center
.. note::
CDC model has high quality, and really low running speed.
As we tested, when it upscales an image with 1024x1024 resolution on 2060 GPU,
the time cost is approx 70s/image. So we strongly recommend against running it on CPU.
Please run CDC model on environments with GPU for better experience.
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Tuple, Any
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from ..data import ImageTyping
from ..generic import ImageEnhancer
from ..utils import open_onnx_model, area_batch_run
__all__ = [
def _open_cdc_upscaler_model(model: str) -> Tuple[Any, int]:
Opens and initializes the CDC upscaler model.
:param model: The name of the model to use.
:type model: str
:return: Tuple of the ONNX model and the scale factor.
:rtype: Tuple[Any, int]
ort = open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(
input_ = np.random.randn(1, 3, 16, 16).astype(np.float32)
output_, = ort.run(['output'], {'input': input_})
batch, channels, scale_h, height, scale_w, width = output_.shape
assert batch == 1 and channels == 3 and height == 16 and width == 16, \
f'Unexpected output size found {output_.shape!r}.'
assert scale_h == scale_w, f'Scale of height and width not match - {output_.shape!r}.'
return ort, scale_h
def _upscale_for_rgb(input_: np.ndarray, model: str = 'HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320',
tile_size: int = 512, tile_overlap: int = 64, batch_size: int = 1, silent: bool = False):
assert len(input_.shape) == 4 and input_.shape[:2] == (1, 3)
ort, scale = _open_cdc_upscaler_model(model)
def _method(ix):
ix = ix.astype(np.float32)
batch, channels, height, width = ix.shape
p_height = 0 if height % _CDC_INPUT_UNIT == 0 else _CDC_INPUT_UNIT - (height % _CDC_INPUT_UNIT)
p_width = 0 if width % _CDC_INPUT_UNIT == 0 else _CDC_INPUT_UNIT - (width % _CDC_INPUT_UNIT)
if p_height > 0 or p_width > 0: # align to 16
ix = np.pad(ix, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, p_height), (0, p_width)), mode='reflect')
actual_height, actual_width = height, width
ox, = ort.run(['output'], {'input': ix})
batch, channels, scale_, height, scale_, width = ox.shape
ox = ox.reshape((batch, channels, scale_ * height, scale_ * width))
ox = ox[..., :scale_ * actual_height, :scale_ * actual_width] # crop back
return ox
output_ = area_batch_run(
input_, _method,
tile_size=tile_size, tile_overlap=tile_overlap, batch_size=batch_size,
scale=scale, silent=silent, process_title='CDC Upscale',
output_ = np.clip(output_, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0)
return output_
class _Enhancer(ImageEnhancer):
def __init__(self, model: str = 'HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320',
tile_size: int = 512, tile_overlap: int = 64, batch_size: int = 1, silent: bool = False):
self.model = model
self.tile_size = tile_size
self.tile_overlap = tile_overlap
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.silent = silent
def _process_rgb(self, rgb_array: np.ndarray):
return _upscale_for_rgb(
rgb_array[None, ...],
def _get_enhancer(model: str = 'HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320',
tile_size: int = 512, tile_overlap: int = 64, batch_size: int = 1, silent: bool = False):
return _Enhancer(model, tile_size, tile_overlap, batch_size, silent)
[docs]def upscale_with_cdc(image: ImageTyping, model: str = 'HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320',
tile_size: int = 512, tile_overlap: int = 64, batch_size: int = 1,
silent: bool = False) -> Image.Image:
Upscale the input image using the CDC upscaler model.
:param image: The input image.
:type image: ImageTyping
:param model: The name of the model to use. (default: 'HGSR-MHR-anime-aug_X4_320')
:type model: str
:param tile_size: The size of each tile. (default: 512)
:type tile_size: int
:param tile_overlap: The overlap between tiles. (default: 64)
:type tile_overlap: int
:param batch_size: The batch size. (default: 1)
:type batch_size: int
:param silent: Whether to suppress progress messages. (default: False)
:type silent: bool
:return: The upscaled image.
:rtype: Image.Image
.. note::
RGBA images are supported. When you pass an image with transparency channel (e.g. RGBA image),
this function will return an RGBA image, otherwise return a RGB image.
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> from imgutils.upscale import upscale_with_cdc
>>> image = Image.open('cute_waifu_aroma.png')
>>> image
<PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGBA size=1168x1168 at 0x7F0E8CA06880>
>>> upscale_with_cdc(image)
<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=4672x4672 at 0x7F0E48EDB640>
return _get_enhancer(model, tile_size, tile_overlap, batch_size, silent).process(image)