Source code for imgutils.ascii.drawing

import io
import math
import shutil
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from import ImageTyping, load_image

__all__ = [

[docs]def ascii_drawing(img: ImageTyping, max_width: Optional[int] = ..., max_height: Optional[int] = ..., resample=Image.BILINEAR, levels: str = "@%#*+=-:. ", aspect: float = 1.8): """ Generate ASCII art drawing based on the given image. :param img: The input image. :type img: ImageTyping :param max_width: The maximum width of the ASCII art. If set to `None` or `...`, it will be automatically determined based on the terminal size. :type max_width: Optional[int] :param max_height: The maximum height of the ASCII art. If set to `None` or `...`, it will be automatically determined based on the terminal size. :type max_height: Optional[int] :param resample: The resampling filter to use when resizing the image. :type resample: int :param levels: The characters used to represent different intensity levels in the ASCII art. :type levels: str :param aspect: Proportional correction for ASCII art output, which should approximate the aspect ratio of ASCII characters on your terminal. This value ensures that the aspect ratio of the output ASCII art is as close as possible to the original image. The default value is `1.8`. :type aspect: float :return: The ASCII art representation of the image. :rtype: str Examples:: Here is an image of jerry .. image:: :align: center >>> from imgutils.ascii import ascii_drawing >>> >>> print(ascii_drawing('jerry.png')) :=++: : =+===+: =: ++----== -*: ..:.. .::=*++++==+. =+-. :=++++++==: .:-*++++****+==+++=. .-++=====--::== .=*++++++++++++===+=. .=++==++=:::::::== :=+++====----===--=---==-=+=-=++-::::::::::*: .-***+=---==-=+++++=----=====--=*=::::::::::::*= :***+=++=---+=++=--=+----=-----+*-:::::::::::::++ .**+*+=-==---=+***=-==---------+*-::::::::::::::*+ =*==*===----=+=:.:+-=---------=*-:::::::::::::::#- ++=+: -=---=+- :+-----------++:::::::::::::::=#. +++. ==--=*- ++-----------=+:::-+::::::::::*+ -+= .+---+- -+=------------====+=:::::::::+#. .++. ==---+. :+=--------------==+=:::::::::=#- .:=*+.=---=*+ .==--------------=+=-:::::::::=#- .=++++==+======*= .=====------------==::::::::::+*- .#+==+:.=---+:..::-+++======-------=+:::::::::-*+: .....:**==+. :++=-. ..:++=======+=====-=+-:::::::-++- :*+=+. .. ..::*+====------====+=:::::-=+=: .=++=. . =*+==++===---=++=---===-: :=+=. -: .:=+++++++===*+-::::.. ... :::::. ..-=====+****+++*****+++=-::..-==-. .::.:--=++++++*#+==-==------======++++++-.. :============-----------------------====--:.. .. -+==+==--==--------------------------------=======+=: -*=-=+-+-==-===-----------===============----------==+- :*=--++.===:..-==-----==++++===-----=*++---=+=------===+- *+---++..::....:=+=--===+=. -==-.:+====-==-=++=- -#=--=++=+==-:....-+=-----===-:.. .===++=-. :=+==+. =#=------======-::::===------==++++=:. .-+==: ... -#=------------=====--=+==-------==++*+: -*=*: +*==--------------====+=-===--------==**=-++=*- -=+++========------=+=:..:===---------=*#+=+= ..:::+=::===---==+:.....:==---------=+#+. .=-..====++=+=.......==----------+#- ==:-===--=+-........+=----------+#- -+=:....::.........+=-----------=*- .+*=:............-+-------------=*: .=+=+++=-:::..::-=+=--------------=*: .=+=----==++++++++*++===-------------=+. ++=----------=+++=-:..:-=+==----------=+. .#=---------=++-. .-=+==--------==. ++---------+- .-=+==------==:. =+=-------+: .-=+=-----=========-. :-=++==-----=+- .-==----------===++ :++=====------=+. -+=--------==+++ -+=--------==++ :++==-------=+. .-=++++++**+-. :=+++++++=-. """ if max_width is ... or max_height is ...: terminal = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(80, 40)) max_width = terminal.columns - 5 if max_width is ... else max_width max_height = terminal.lines - 5 if max_height is ... else max_height img = load_image(img, force_background='white', mode='RGB') img = img.resize((int(img.width * aspect), img.height)) if (max_width is not None and img.width > max_width) or \ (max_height is not None and img.height > max_height): r1 = max_width / img.width if max_width else +math.inf r2 = max_height / img.height if max_height else +math.inf r = min(r1, r2) width = int(img.width * r) height = int(img.height * r) img = img.resize((width, height), resample=resample) img = img.convert('L') greyscale = np.array(img).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 chids = np.clip((greyscale * len(levels)).astype(np.int32), a_min=0, a_max=len(levels) - 1) charr = np.array(list(levels))[chids] with io.StringIO() as sio: for row in charr: print(''.join(row.tolist()), file=sio) return sio.getvalue()