Source code for imgutils.metrics.lpips

    Useful utilities based on `richzhang/PerceptualSimilarity <>`_, \
    tested with dataset `deepghs/chafen_arknights(private) <>`_.

    When threshold is `0.45`, the `adjusted rand score <>`_ can reach `0.995`.

    This is an overall benchmark of all the operations in LPIPS models:

    .. image::
        :align: center

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Tuple, Union, List

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from import tqdm

from import rgb_encode, MultiImagesTyping, load_images, ImageTyping, load_image
from imgutils.utils import open_onnx_model

__all__ = [

def _image_resize(image: Image.Image, size=400):
    return image.resize((size, size), resample=Image.BILINEAR)

def _image_encode(image: Image.Image):
    return rgb_encode(_image_resize(image))

def _lpips_feature_model():
    return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(

[docs]def lpips_extract_feature(image: MultiImagesTyping) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Overview: Extract feature from images. :param image: One or multiple images to extract features. :return: Extracted features, should be a tuple of 5 arrays which extracted from CNN. Example: >>> from imgutils.metrics import lpips_extract_feature >>> >>> f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 = lpips_extract_feature('lpips/1.jpg') >>> (f1.shape, f2.shape, f3.shape, f4.shape, f4.shape) ((1, 64, 99, 99), (1, 192, 49, 49), (1, 384, 24, 24), (1, 256, 24, 24), (1, 256, 24, 24)) >>> f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 = lpips_extract_feature(['lpips/1.jpg', 'lpips/4.jpg', 'lpips/7.jpg']) >>> (f1.shape, f2.shape, f3.shape, f4.shape, f4.shape) ((3, 64, 99, 99), (3, 192, 49, 49), (3, 384, 24, 24), (3, 256, 24, 24), (3, 256, 24, 24)) .. note:: This feature can be used in :func:`lpips_difference` and :func:`lpips_clustering`. """ images = load_images(image) _encoded = np.stack([_image_encode(image) for image in images]) features = _lpips_feature_model().run(["feat_0", "feat_1", "feat_2", "feat_3", "feat_4"], {'input': _encoded}) return tuple(features)
@lru_cache() def _lpips_diff_model(): return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download( 'deepghs/imgutils-models', 'lpips/lpips_diff.onnx', )) _FEAT1_NAMES = ["feat_x_0", "feat_x_1", "feat_x_2", "feat_x_3", "feat_x_4"] _FEAT2_NAMES = ["feat_y_0", "feat_y_1", "feat_y_2", "feat_y_3", "feat_y_4"] def _batch_lpips_difference(feats1: Tuple[np.ndarray, ...], feats2: Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]) -> np.ndarray: output, = _lpips_diff_model().run( ["output"], { **{name: value for name, value in zip(_FEAT1_NAMES, feats1)}, **{name: value for name, value in zip(_FEAT2_NAMES, feats2)}, } ) return output AutoFeatTyping = Union[ImageTyping, Tuple[np.ndarray, ...]] def _auto_feat(img: AutoFeatTyping): if isinstance(img, (tuple, list)): return img else: return lpips_extract_feature(load_image(img))
[docs]def lpips_difference(img1: AutoFeatTyping, img2: AutoFeatTyping) -> float: """ Overview: Calculate LPIPS difference between images. :param img1: Image file, PIL object or extracted feature of image. :param img2: Image file, PIL object or extracted feature of another image. :return: LPIPS difference. Value lower than ``0.45`` usually represents similar. Example: Here are some images for example .. image:: :align: center >>> from imgutils.metrics import lpips_difference >>> >>> lpips_difference('lpips/1.jpg', 'lpips/2.jpg') 0.16922694444656372 >>> lpips_difference('lpips/1.jpg', 'lpips/3.jpg') 0.22250649333000183 >>> lpips_difference('lpips/1.jpg', 'lpips/4.jpg') # not similar 0.6897575259208679 >>> lpips_difference('lpips/2.jpg', 'lpips/3.jpg') 0.10956494510173798 >>> lpips_difference('lpips/2.jpg', 'lpips/4.jpg') # not similar 0.6823137998580933 >>> lpips_difference('lpips/3.jpg', 'lpips/4.jpg') # not similar 0.6837796568870544 """ img1 = _auto_feat(img1) img2 = _auto_feat(img2) return _batch_lpips_difference(img1, img2).item()
[docs]def lpips_clustering(images: MultiImagesTyping, threshold: float = 0.45) -> List[int]: """ Overview: Clustering images with LPIPS metrics. :param images: List of multiple images. :param threshold: Threshold of clustering. Default value ``0.45`` is recommended. :return: Clustering result with LPIPS, each integer represent one group, ``-1`` means this is a noise sample. Example: Here are some images for example .. image:: :align: center >>> from imgutils.metrics import lpips_clustering >>> >>> images = [f'lpips/{i}.jpg' for i in range(1, 10)] >>> images ['lpips/1.jpg', 'lpips/2.jpg', 'lpips/3.jpg', 'lpips/4.jpg', 'lpips/5.jpg', 'lpips/6.jpg', 'lpips/7.jpg', 'lpips/8.jpg', 'lpips/9.jpg'] >>> lpips_clustering(images) [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1] """ images = load_images(images, mode='RGB') n = len(images) feat_list = [lpips_extract_feature(image) for image in tqdm(images, leave=False, desc='Extract features')] progress = tqdm(total=n * (n + 1) // 2, leave=False, desc='Metrics') @lru_cache(maxsize=n * (n + 1) // 2) def _cached_metric(x, y): result = lpips_difference(feat_list[x], feat_list[y]) progress.update(1) return result def img_sim_metric(x, y): x, y = int(min(x, y)), int(max(x, y)) return _cached_metric(x, y) samples = np.array(range(n)).reshape(-1, 1) clustering = DBSCAN(eps=threshold, min_samples=2, metric=img_sim_metric).fit(samples) progress.close() return clustering.labels_.tolist()