Source code for imgutils.resource.background

    Get background images.

    These resources are hosted on `deepghs/anime-bg <>`_,
    which is based on `skytnt/anime-segmentation <>`_.

    .. image::
        :align: center
import os.path
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Optional, List

import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from filelock import FileLock
from hfutils.index import hf_tar_file_download
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

from import load_image
from ..utils import get_storage_dir

__all__ = [

_BG_REPO = 'deepghs/anime-bg'

def _global_df() -> pd.DataFrame:
    Load the global dataframe containing information about background images.

    :return: The global dataframe containing information about background images.
    :rtype: pd.DataFrame
    return pd.read_csv(hf_hub_download(

def _bg_root_dir() -> str:
    Get the root directory for storing background images.

    :return: The root directory for storing background images.
    :rtype: str
    root = os.path.join(get_storage_dir(), 'bg')
    os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)
    return root

[docs]class BackgroundImageSet:
[docs] def __init__(self, width: Optional[float] = None, height: Optional[float] = None, strict_level: float = 1.5, min_selected: int = 5, min_width: Optional[int] = None, min_height: Optional[int] = None, min_resolution: Optional[int] = None): """ Initialize a BackgroundImageSet instance. :param width: The desired width of background images. (default: None) :type width: Optional[float] :param height: The desired height of background images. (default: None) :type height: Optional[float] :param strict_level: The strictness level for selecting images. (default: 1.5) :type strict_level: float :param min_selected: The minimum number of images to consider for selection. (default: 5) :type min_selected: int :param min_width: The minimum width of background images to consider. (default: None) :type min_width: Optional[int] :param min_height: The minimum height of background images to consider. (default: None) :type min_height: Optional[int] :param min_resolution: The minimum resolution of background images to consider. (default: None) :type min_resolution: Optional[int] """ df = _global_df().copy() if min_width: df = df[df['width'] >= min_width] if min_height: df = df[df['height'] >= min_height] if min_resolution: df = df[(df['height'] * df['width']) >= min_resolution ** 2] if width and height: r1, r2 = width / height, height / width df['dx'] = (df['width'] / df['height'] - r1).abs() + (df['height'] / df['width'] - r2).abs() df = df.sort_values(['dx'], ascending=[True]) df['i'] = range(len(df)) idx = df['dx'] < (df['dx'].mean() - df['dx'].std() * strict_level) idx = idx | (df['i'] < max(min_selected, 1)) idx = idx | (df['dx'] <= df[idx]['dx'].max()) df = df[idx] elif width and not height: df['dist'] = (df['width'] - width).abs() df = df.sort_values(['dist'], ascending=[True]) df['i'] = range(len(df)) idx = df['dist'] < (df['dist'].mean() - df['dist'].std() * strict_level) idx = idx | (df['i'] < max(min_selected, 1)) idx = idx | (df['dist'] <= df[idx]['dist'].max()) df = df[idx] elif not width and height: df['dist'] = (df['height'] - height).abs() df = df.sort_values(['dist'], ascending=[True]) df['i'] = range(len(df)) idx = df['dist'] < (df['dist'].mean() - df['dist'].std() * strict_level) idx = idx | (df['i'] < max(min_selected, 1)) idx = idx | (df['dist'] <= df[idx]['dist'].max()) df = df[idx] else: pass self.df = df if len(self.df) == 0: raise ValueError('No background images selected, please lower your settings.') self._map = {item['filename']: item for item in self.df.to_dict('records')}
[docs] def list_image_files(self) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of filenames of background images. :return: A list of filenames of background images. :rtype: List[str] """ return self.df['filename'].tolist()
[docs] def get_image_file(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Get the local file path of a background image by filename. :param filename: The filename of the background image. :type filename: str :return: The local file path of the background image. :rtype: str """ return self._load_local_image_file(filename)
[docs] def get_image(self, filename: str) -> Image.Image: """ Get the PIL Image object of a background image by filename. :param filename: The filename of the background image. :type filename: str :return: The PIL Image object of the background image. :rtype: Image.Image """ return load_image(self.get_image_file(filename), mode='RGB')
def _random_filename(self): return self.df['filename'].sample(n=1).tolist()[0]
[docs] def random_image_file(self) -> str: """ Get the filename of a randomly selected background image. :return: The filename of a randomly selected background image. :rtype: str """ return self.get_image_file(self._random_filename())
[docs] def random_image(self) -> Image.Image: """ Get the PIL Image object of a randomly selected background image. :return: The PIL Image object of a randomly selected background image. :rtype: Image.Image """ return self.get_image(self._random_filename())
def _load_local_image_file(self, filename): filename = os.path.normcase(filename) if filename not in self._map: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Background file {filename!r} not found.') info = self._map[filename] lock_file = os.path.join(_bg_root_dir(), f'{filename}.lock') with FileLock(lock_file): image_file = os.path.join(_bg_root_dir(), filename) if not os.path.exists(image_file): hf_tar_file_download( repo_id=_BG_REPO, archive_in_repo=f"images/{info['archive']}", file_in_archive=info['filename'], local_file=image_file ) return image_file
@lru_cache() def _get_default_set(): """ Get the default BackgroundImageSet instance. :return: The default BackgroundImageSet instance. :rtype: BackgroundImageSet """ return BackgroundImageSet()
[docs]def list_bg_image_files() -> List[str]: """ Get a list of filenames of background images. :return: A list of filenames of background images. :rtype: List[str] Examples:: >>> from imgutils.resource import list_bg_image_files >>> >>> files = list_bg_image_files() >>> type(files) <class 'list'> >>> len(files) 8057 >>> files[:5] ['000000.jpg', '000001.jpg', '000002.jpg', '000003.jpg', '000004.jpg'] """ return _get_default_set().list_image_files()
[docs]def get_bg_image_file(filename: str) -> str: """ Get the local file path of a background image by filename. :param filename: The filename of the background image. :type filename: str :return: The local file path of the background image. :rtype: str Examples:: >>> from imgutils.resource import get_bg_image_file >>> >>> get_bg_image_file('000001.jpg') '/home/user/.cache/dghs-imgutils/bg/000001.jpg' """ return _get_default_set().get_image_file(filename)
[docs]def get_bg_image(filename) -> Image.Image: """ Get the PIL Image object of a background image by filename. :param filename: The filename of the background image. :type filename: str :return: The PIL Image object of the background image. :rtype: Image.Image Examples:: >>> from imgutils.resource import get_bg_image >>> >>> get_bg_image('000001.jpg') <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=2400x1600 at 0x7FEB86ED5160> """ return _get_default_set().get_image(filename)
[docs]def random_bg_image_file() -> str: """ Get the filename of a randomly selected background image. :return: The filename of a randomly selected background image. :rtype: str Examples:: >>> from imgutils.resource import random_bg_image_file >>> >>> random_bg_image_file() '/home/user/.cache/dghs-imgutils/bg/003258.jpg' """ return _get_default_set().random_image_file()
[docs]def random_bg_image() -> Image.Image: """ Get the PIL Image object of a randomly selected background image. :return: The PIL Image object of a randomly selected background image. :rtype: Image.Image Examples:: >>> from imgutils.resource import random_bg_image >>> >>> random_bg_image() <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=RGB size=400x400 at 0x7FEB86A748B0> """ return _get_default_set().random_image()