Source code for imgutils.metadata.lsb.write

This module provides functionality for injecting metadata and error correction codes into PNG images.

It includes classes and functions for:

- Bit shuffling and error correction encoding
- LSB (Least Significant Bit) injection of data into image pixels
- Serializing PNG metadata
- Injecting encoded data and metadata into PNG images

The module uses techniques like BCH error correction, bit manipulation, and LSB steganography
to embed data robustly into image files.

import gzip
import json
from typing import Union, Any

# BCH error correction
import bchlib
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo

from import load_image, ImageTyping

correctable_bits = 16
block_length = 2019
code_block_len = 1920

def bit_shuffle(data_bytes, w, h):
    Shuffle the bits of input data into a specific pattern based on image dimensions.

    This function reorganizes the input data bits into a 2D pattern that matches the image dimensions.
    It's used to spread the data across the image for more robust embedding.

    :param data_bytes: Input data bytes to be shuffled
    :type data_bytes: bytes
    :param w: Width of the image
    :type w: int
    :param h: Height of the image
    :type h: int
    :return: Tuple containing shuffled data, dimension, rest tile size, and rest dimension
    :rtype: tuple(bytearray, int, int, int)
    bits = np.frombuffer(data_bytes, dtype=np.uint8)
    bit_fac = 1
    bits = bits.reshape((h, w, 3 * bit_fac))
    flat_tile_len = (w * h * 3) // code_block_len
    tile_w = 32
    if flat_tile_len // tile_w > 100:
        tile_w = 64
    tile_h = flat_tile_len // tile_w
    h_cutoff = (h // tile_h) * tile_h
    tile_hr = h - h_cutoff
    easy_tiles = bits[:h_cutoff].reshape(h_cutoff // tile_h, tile_h, w // tile_w, tile_w, 3 * bit_fac)
    easy_tiles = easy_tiles.swapaxes(1, 2)
    easy_tiles = easy_tiles.reshape(-1, tile_h * tile_w)
    easy_tiles = easy_tiles.T
    rest_tiles = bits[h_cutoff:]
    rest_tiles = rest_tiles.reshape(tile_hr, 1, w // tile_w, tile_w, 3 * bit_fac)
    rest_tiles = rest_tiles.swapaxes(1, 2)
    rest_tiles = rest_tiles.reshape(-1, tile_hr * tile_w)
    rest_tiles = rest_tiles.T
    rest_dim = rest_tiles.shape[-1]
    rest_tiles = np.pad(rest_tiles, ((0, 0), (0, easy_tiles.shape[-1] - rest_tiles.shape[-1])), mode='constant',
    bits = np.concatenate((easy_tiles, rest_tiles), axis=0)
    dim = bits.shape[-1]
    bits = bits.reshape((-1,))
    return bytearray(bits.tobytes()), dim, rest_tiles.shape[0], rest_dim

def split_byte_ranges(data_bytes, n, w, h):
    Split the input data bytes into chunks after shuffling.

    This function first shuffles the input data using the bit_shuffle function,
    then splits it into chunks of size n.

    :param data_bytes: Input data bytes
    :type data_bytes: bytes
    :param n: Size of each chunk
    :type n: int
    :param w: Width of the image
    :type w: int
    :param h: Height of the image
    :type h: int
    :return: Tuple containing list of chunks, dimension, rest size, and rest dimension
    :rtype: tuple(list, int, int, int)
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    data_bytes, dim, rest_size, rest_dim = bit_shuffle(data_bytes.copy(), w, h)
    chunks = []
    for i in range(0, len(data_bytes), n):
        chunks.append(data_bytes[i:i + n])
    return chunks, dim, rest_size, rest_dim

def pad(data_bytes):
    Pad the input data bytes to a fixed length of 2019 bytes.

    This function ensures that all data chunks have a consistent length for error correction encoding.

    :param data_bytes: Input data bytes
    :type data_bytes: bytes
    :return: Padded data bytes
    :rtype: bytearray
    return bytearray(data_bytes + b'\x00' * (2019 - len(data_bytes)))

def fec_encode(data_bytes, w, h):
    Perform Forward Error Correction (FEC) encoding on the input data.

    This function applies BCH error correction encoding to the input data after splitting and padding.
    It enhances the robustness of the embedded data against corruption.

    :param data_bytes: Input data bytes
    :type data_bytes: bytes
    :param w: Width of the image
    :type w: int
    :param h: Height of the image
    :type h: int
    :return: FEC encoded data
    :rtype: bytes
    # noinspection PyArgumentList
    encoder = bchlib.BCH(16, prim_poly=17475)
    chunks = [bytearray(encoder.encode(pad(x))) for x in split_byte_ranges(data_bytes, 2019, w, h)[0]]
    return b''.join(chunks)

class LSBInjector:
    A class for injecting data into the least significant bits of image pixels.

    This class provides methods to prepare data for injection and embed it into an image's
    least significant bits, which is a form of steganography.

    def __init__(self, data):
        Initialize the LSBInjector with image data.

        :param data: Image data
        :type data: numpy.ndarray
        """ = data
        self.buffer = bytearray()

    def put_32bit_integer(self, integer_value):
        Add a 32-bit integer to the buffer.

        :param integer_value: Integer to be added
        :type integer_value: int
        self.buffer.extend(integer_value.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big'))

    def put_bytes(self, bytes_list):
        Add bytes to the buffer.

        :param bytes_list: Bytes to be added
        :type bytes_list: bytes

    def put_string(self, string):
        Add a string to the buffer (encoded as UTF-8).

        :param string: String to be added
        :type string: str

    def finalize(self):
        Finalize the injection process by embedding the buffer data into the image's least significant bits.

        This method actually performs the LSB injection, modifying the image data to include the prepared buffer.
        buffer = np.frombuffer(self.buffer, dtype=np.uint8)
        buffer = np.unpackbits(buffer)
        data =[..., -1].T
        h, w = data.shape
        data = data.reshape((-1,))
        data[:] = 0xff
        buf_len = buffer.shape[0]
        data[:buf_len] = 0xfe
        data[:buf_len] = np.bitwise_or(data[:buf_len], buffer)
        data = data.reshape((h, w)).T[..., -1] = data

[docs]def serialize_pnginfo(metadata: PngInfo) -> bytes: """ Serialize PNG metadata into a compressed byte string. This function extracts metadata from a PngInfo object, converts it to JSON, and then compresses it using gzip. :param metadata: PNG metadata :type metadata: PngInfo :return: Compressed serialized metadata :rtype: bytes """ data = { k: v for k, v in [ data[1] .decode("latin-1" if data[0] == b"tEXt" else "utf-8") .split("\x00" if data[0] == b"tEXt" else "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") for data in metadata.chunks if data[0] == b"tEXt" or data[0] == b"iTXt" ] } data_encoded = json.dumps(data) return gzip.compress(bytes(data_encoded, "utf-8"))
[docs]def serialize_json(metadata) -> bytes: """ Serialize any JSON-serializable metadata into a compressed byte string. This function converts the input metadata to JSON and then compresses it using gzip. :param metadata: Metadata to be serialized :type metadata: Any :return: Compressed serialized metadata :rtype: bytes """ data_encoded = json.dumps(metadata) return gzip.compress(bytes(data_encoded, "utf-8"))
[docs]def inject_data(image: Image.Image, data: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> Image.Image: """ Inject data into an image using LSB steganography and error correction. This function embeds the given data into the least significant bits of the image pixels, along with error correction information for robustness. :param image: Input image :type image: Image.Image :param data: Data to be injected :type data: Union[bytes, bytearray] :return: Image with injected data :rtype: Image.Image """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker rgb = np.array(image.convert('RGB')) image = image.convert('RGBA') w, h = image.size # noinspection PyTypeChecker pixels = np.array(image) injector = LSBInjector(pixels) injector.put_string("stealth_pngcomp") injector.put_32bit_integer(len(data) * 8) injector.put_bytes(data) fec_data = fec_encode(bytearray(rgb.tobytes()), w, h) injector.put_32bit_integer(len(fec_data) * 8) injector.put_bytes(fec_data) injector.finalize() return Image.fromarray(
[docs]def write_lsb_raw_bytes(image: ImageTyping, data: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> Image.Image: """ Write raw bytes into an image using LSB steganography. This function is a wrapper around inject_data that handles image loading. :param image: Input image or path to image :type image: ImageTyping :param data: Raw data to be written :type data: Union[bytes, bytearray] :return: Image with injected data :rtype: Image.Image """ image = load_image(image, mode=None, force_background=None) return inject_data(image, data=data)
[docs]def write_lsb_metadata(image: ImageTyping, data: Any) -> Image.Image: """ Write metadata into an image using LSB steganography. This function handles different types of metadata, serializing them appropriately before injection into the image. :param image: Input image or path to image :type image: ImageTyping :param data: Metadata to be written (can be raw bytes, PngInfo, or JSON-serializable data) :type data: Any :return: Image with injected metadata :rtype: Image.Image """ if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)): pass elif isinstance(data, PngInfo): data = serialize_pnginfo(data) else: data = serialize_json(data) return write_lsb_raw_bytes(image, data=data)