Source code for imgutils.detect.nudenet

    This module provides functionality for detecting nudity in images using the NudeNet model.
    The module includes functions for preprocessing images, running the NudeNet YOLO model,
    applying non-maximum suppression (NMS), and postprocessing the results. It utilizes
    ONNX models hosted on `deepghs/nudenet_onnx <>`_
    for efficient inference. The original project is
    `notAI-tech/NudeNet <>`_.
    .. collapse:: Overview of NudeNet Detect (NSFW Warning!!!)

        .. image::
            :align: center
    The main function :func:`detect_with_nudenet` can be used to perform nudity detection on
    given images, returning a list of bounding boxes, labels, and confidence scores.
    This is an overall benchmark of all the nudenet models:

    .. image::
        :align: center

    .. note::

        Here is a detailed list of labels from the NudeNet detection model and their respective meanings:

        .. list-table::
           :widths: 25 75
           :header-rows: 1

           * - Label
             - Description
             - Detects covered female genitalia in the image.
           * - FACE_FEMALE
             - Detects the face of a female in the image.
           * - BUTTOCKS_EXPOSED
             - Detects exposed buttocks in the image.
             - Detects exposed female breasts in the image.
             - Detects exposed female genitalia in the image.
           * - MALE_BREAST_EXPOSED
             - Detects exposed male breasts in the image.
           * - ANUS_EXPOSED
             - Detects exposed anus in the image.
           * - FEET_EXPOSED
             - Detects exposed feet in the image.
           * - BELLY_COVERED
             - Detects a covered belly in the image.
           * - FEET_COVERED
             - Detects covered feet in the image.
           * - ARMPITS_COVERED
             - Detects covered armpits in the image.
           * - ARMPITS_EXPOSED
             - Detects exposed armpits in the image.
           * - FACE_MALE
             - Detects the face of a male in the image.
           * - BELLY_EXPOSED
             - Detects an exposed belly in the image.
             - Detects exposed male genitalia in the image.
           * - ANUS_COVERED
             - Detects a covered anus in the image.
             - Detects covered female breasts in the image.
           * - BUTTOCKS_COVERED
             - Detects covered buttocks in the image.

    .. note::
        This module requires onnxruntime version 1.18 or higher.

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Tuple, List

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from hbutils.testing.requires.version import VersionInfo
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

from import ImageTyping
from imgutils.utils import open_onnx_model
from import load_image

def _check_compatibility() -> bool:
    Check if the installed onnxruntime version is compatible with NudeNet.

    :raises EnvironmentError: If the onnxruntime version is less than 1.18.
    import onnxruntime
    if VersionInfo(onnxruntime.__version__) < '1.18':
        raise EnvironmentError(f'Nudenet not supported on onnxruntime {onnxruntime.__version__}, '
                               f'please upgrade it to 1.18+ version.\n'
                               f'If you are running on CPU, use "pip install -U onnxruntime" .\n'
                               f'If you are running on GPU, use "pip install -U onnxruntime-gpu" .')  # pragma: no cover

_REPO_ID = 'deepghs/nudenet_onnx'

def _open_nudenet_yolo():
    Open and cache the NudeNet YOLO ONNX model.

    :return: The loaded ONNX model for YOLO.
    return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(

def _open_nudenet_nms():
    Open and cache the NudeNet NMS ONNX model.

    :return: The loaded ONNX model for NMS.
    return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(

def _nn_preprocessing(image: ImageTyping, model_size: int = 320) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
    Preprocess the input image for the NudeNet model.

    :param image: The input image.
    :param model_size: The size to which the image should be resized (default: 320).
    :return: A tuple containing the preprocessed image array and the scaling ratio.
    image = load_image(image, mode='RGB', force_background='white')
    assert image.mode == 'RGB'
    mat = np.array(image)

    max_size = max(image.width, image.height)

    mat_pad = np.zeros((max_size, max_size, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    mat_pad[:mat.shape[0], :mat.shape[1], :] = mat
    img_resized = Image.fromarray(mat_pad, mode='RGB').resize((model_size, model_size), resample=Image.BILINEAR)

    input_data = np.array(img_resized).transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32) / 255.0
    input_data = np.expand_dims(input_data, axis=0)
    return input_data, max_size / model_size

def _make_np_config(topk: int = 100, iou_threshold: float = 0.45, score_threshold: float = 0.25) -> np.ndarray:
    Create a configuration array for the NMS model.

    :param topk: The maximum number of detections to keep (default: 100).
    :param iou_threshold: The IoU threshold for NMS (default: 0.45).
    :param score_threshold: The score threshold for detections (default: 0.25).
    :return: A numpy array containing the configuration parameters.
    return np.array([topk, iou_threshold, score_threshold]).astype(np.float32)

def _nn_postprocess(selected, global_ratio: float):
    Postprocess the model output to generate bounding boxes and labels.

    :param selected: The output from the NMS model.
    :param global_ratio: The scaling ratio to apply to the bounding boxes.
    :return: A list of tuples, each containing a bounding box, label, and confidence score.
    bboxes = []
    num_boxes = selected.shape[0]
    for idx in range(num_boxes):
        data = selected[idx, :]

        scores = data[4:]
        score = np.max(scores)
        label = np.argmax(scores)

        box = data[:4] * global_ratio
        x = (box[0] - 0.5 * box[2]).item()
        y = (box[1] - 0.5 * box[3]).item()
        w = box[2].item()
        h = box[3].item()

        bboxes.append(((x, y, x + w, y + h), _LABELS[label], score.item()))

    return bboxes


[docs]def detect_with_nudenet(image: ImageTyping, topk: int = 100, iou_threshold: float = 0.45, score_threshold: float = 0.25) \ -> List[Tuple[Tuple[int, int, int, int], str, float]]: """ Detect nudity in the given image using the NudeNet model. :param image: The input image to analyze. :param topk: The maximum number of detections to keep (default: 100). :param iou_threshold: The IoU threshold for NMS (default: 0.45). :param score_threshold: The score threshold for detections (default: 0.25). :return: A list of tuples, each containing: - A bounding box as (x1, y1, x2, y2) - A label string - A confidence score """ _check_compatibility() input_, global_ratio = _nn_preprocessing(image, model_size=320) config = _make_np_config(topk, iou_threshold, score_threshold) output0, = _open_nudenet_yolo().run(['output0'], {'images': input_}) selected, = _open_nudenet_nms().run(['selected'], {'detection': output0, 'config': config}) return _nn_postprocess(selected[0], global_ratio=global_ratio)