This module provides functionality for visualizing object detection results on images.
It includes tools for drawing bounding boxes, labels, and confidence scores on detected objects.
The main function :func:`detection_visualize` can be used to visualize detection results from
various object detection models, with customizable appearance settings like font size, padding,
and label visibility.
See :func:`imgutils.detect.head.detect_heads` and :func:`imgutils.detect.person.detect_person` for examples.
import math
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw
from hbutils.color import rnd_colors, Color
from imgutils.data import ImageTyping, load_image
def _try_get_font_from_matplotlib(fp=None, fontsize: int = 12):
Attempt to get a font from matplotlib for text rendering.
:param fp: Font properties object or None. If None, uses default sans-serif font.
:type fp: matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties or None
:param fontsize: Size of the font to be used.
:type fontsize: int
:return: A PIL ImageFont object if matplotlib is available, None otherwise.
:rtype: PIL.ImageFont.FreeTypeFont or None
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import matplotlib
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):
return None
# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
from matplotlib.font_manager import findfont, FontProperties
font = findfont(fp or FontProperties(family=['sans-serif']))
return ImageFont.truetype(font, fontsize)
[docs]def detection_visualize(image: ImageTyping, detection: List[Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float, float], str, float]],
labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, text_padding: int = 6, fontsize: int = 12,
max_short_edge_size: Optional[int] = None, fp=None, no_label: bool = False):
Visualize object detection results by drawing bounding boxes and labels on an image.
:param image: Input image to visualize detections on. Can be a PIL Image, numpy array, or path to image file.
:type image: ImageTyping
:param detection: List of detection results, each containing ((x0, y0, x1, y1), label, confidence_score).
Coordinates should be in pixels, not normalized.
:type detection: List[Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float, float], str, float]]
:param labels: List of predefined labels. If None, labels will be extracted from detection results.
:type labels: Optional[List[str]]
:param text_padding: Padding around label text in pixels.
:type text_padding: int
:param fontsize: Font size for label text.
:type fontsize: int
:param max_short_edge_size: Maximum size of shortest image edge. If specified, image will be resized
while maintaining aspect ratio.
:type max_short_edge_size: Optional[int]
:param fp: Font properties for matplotlib font. Only used if matplotlib is available.
:type fp: matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties or None
:param no_label: If True, suppresses drawing of labels.
:type no_label: bool
:return: PIL Image with visualized detection results.
:rtype: PIL.Image.Image
>>> from imgutils.detect import detect_heads, detection_visualize
>>> image = load_image("path/to/image.jpg")
>>> detections = detect_heads(image)
>>> visualized = detection_visualize(image, detections)
>>> visualized.save("output.png")
See :func:`imgutils.detect.head.detect_heads` and :func:`imgutils.detect.person.detect_person` for examples.
image = load_image(image, force_background=None, mode='RGBA')
original_width, original_height = image.width, image.height
if max_short_edge_size is not None and max_short_edge_size < min(original_height, original_width):
r = max_short_edge_size / min(original_height, original_width)
new_width = int(math.ceil(original_width * r))
new_height = int(math.ceil(original_height * r))
new_width, new_height = original_width, original_height
visual_image = image.copy()
if (new_width, new_height) != (original_width, original_height):
visual_image = visual_image.resize((new_width, new_height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(visual_image, mode='RGBA')
font = _try_get_font_from_matplotlib(fp, fontsize) or ImageFont.load_default()
labels = sorted(labels or {label for _, label, _ in detection})
_colors = list(map(str, rnd_colors(len(labels))))
_color_map = dict(zip(labels, _colors))
for _, ((x0, y0, x1, y1), label, score) in sorted(enumerate(detection), key=lambda x: (x[1][2], x[0])):
x0, y0 = int(x0 * new_width / original_width), int(y0 * new_height / original_height)
x1, y1 = int(x1 * new_width / original_width), int(y1 * new_height / original_height)
box_color = _color_map[label]
draw.rectangle((x0, y0, x1, y1), outline=box_color, width=2)
if not no_label:
label_text = f'{label}: {score * 100:.2f}%'
_t_x0, _t_y0, _t_x1, _t_y1 = draw.textbbox((x0, y0), label_text, font=font)
_t_width, _t_height = _t_x1 - _t_x0, _t_y1 - _t_y0
if y0 - _t_height - text_padding < 0:
_t_text_rect = (x0, y0, x0 + _t_width + text_padding * 2, y0 + _t_height + text_padding * 2)
_t_text_co = (x0 + text_padding, y0 + text_padding)
_t_text_rect = (x0, y0 - _t_height - text_padding * 2, x0 + _t_width + text_padding * 2, y0)
_t_text_co = (x0 + text_padding, y0 - _t_height - text_padding)
draw.rectangle(_t_text_rect, fill=str(Color(box_color, alpha=0.5)))
draw.text(_t_text_co, label_text, fill="black", font=font)
return visual_image