This module provides utilities for image tagging using WD14 taggers.
It includes functions for loading models, processing images, and extracting tags.
The module is inspired by the `SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-tags <https://huggingface.co/spaces/SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-tags>`_
project on Hugging Face.
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from hbutils.testing.requires.version import VersionInfo
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from .format import remove_underline
from .overlap import drop_overlap_tags
from ..data import load_image, ImageTyping
from ..utils import open_onnx_model, vreplace, sigmoid, ts_lru_cache
SWIN_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-swinv2-tagger-v2"
CONV_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-convnext-tagger-v2"
CONV2_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-convnextv2-tagger-v2"
VIT_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-vit-tagger-v2"
MOAT_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-moat-tagger-v2"
CONV_V3_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-convnext-tagger-v3'
SWIN_V3_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-swinv2-tagger-v3'
VIT_V3_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-vit-tagger-v3'
VIT_LARGE_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-vit-large-tagger-v3'
EVA02_LARGE_MODEL_DSV3_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3"
MODEL_FILENAME = "model.onnx"
LABEL_FILENAME = "selected_tags.csv"
_IS_V3_SUPPORT = VersionInfo(onnxruntime.__version__) >= '1.17'
"SwinV2_v3": SWIN_V3_MODEL_REPO,
"ConvNext_v3": CONV_V3_MODEL_REPO,
def _version_support_check(model_name):
Check if the current onnxruntime version supports the given model.
:param model_name: The name of the model to check.
:type model_name: str
:raises EnvironmentError: If the model is not supported by the current onnxruntime version.
if model_name.endswith('_v3') and not _IS_V3_SUPPORT:
raise EnvironmentError(f'V3 taggers not supported on onnxruntime {onnxruntime.__version__}, '
f'please upgrade it to 1.17+ version.\n'
f'If you are running on CPU, use "pip install -U onnxruntime" .\n'
f'If you are running on GPU, use "pip install -U onnxruntime-gpu" .') # pragma: no cover
def _get_wd14_model(model_name):
Load an ONNX model from the Hugging Face Hub.
:param model_name: The name of the model to load.
:type model_name: str
:return: The loaded ONNX model.
:rtype: ONNXModel
return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(
def _get_wd14_weights(model_name):
Load the weights for a WD14 model.
:param model_name: The name of the model.
:type model_name: str
:return: The loaded weights.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
return np.load(hf_hub_download(
def _get_wd14_labels(model_name, no_underline: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int], List[int], List[int]]:
Get labels for the WD14 model.
:param model_name: The name of the model.
:type model_name: str
:param no_underline: If True, replaces underscores in tag names with spaces.
:type no_underline: bool
:return: A tuple containing the list of tag names, and lists of indexes for rating, general, and character categories.
:rtype: Tuple[List[str], List[int], List[int], List[int]]
path = hf_hub_download(MODEL_NAMES[model_name], LABEL_FILENAME)
df = pd.read_csv(path)
name_series = df["name"]
if no_underline:
name_series = name_series.map(remove_underline)
tag_names = name_series.tolist()
rating_indexes = list(np.where(df["category"] == 9)[0])
general_indexes = list(np.where(df["category"] == 0)[0])
character_indexes = list(np.where(df["category"] == 4)[0])
return tag_names, rating_indexes, general_indexes, character_indexes
def _mcut_threshold(probs) -> float:
Compute the Maximum Cut Thresholding (MCut) for multi-label classification.
This method is based on the paper:
Largeron, C., Moulin, C., & Gery, M. (2012). MCut: A Thresholding Strategy
for Multi-label Classification. In 11th International Symposium, IDA 2012
(pp. 172-183).
:param probs: Array of probabilities.
:type probs: numpy.ndarray
:return: The computed threshold.
:rtype: float
sorted_probs = probs[probs.argsort()[::-1]]
difs = sorted_probs[:-1] - sorted_probs[1:]
t = difs.argmax()
thresh = (sorted_probs[t] + sorted_probs[t + 1]) / 2
return thresh
def _prepare_image_for_tagging(image: ImageTyping, target_size: int):
Prepare an image for tagging by resizing and padding it.
:param image: The input image.
:type image: ImageTyping
:param target_size: The target size for the image.
:type target_size: int
:return: The prepared image as a numpy array.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
image = load_image(image, force_background=None, mode=None)
image_shape = image.size
max_dim = max(image_shape)
pad_left = (max_dim - image_shape[0]) // 2
pad_top = (max_dim - image_shape[1]) // 2
padded_image = Image.new("RGB", (max_dim, max_dim), (255, 255, 255))
padded_image.paste(image, (pad_left, pad_top), mask=image)
except ValueError:
padded_image.paste(image, (pad_left, pad_top))
if max_dim != target_size:
padded_image = padded_image.resize((target_size, target_size), Image.BICUBIC)
image_array = np.asarray(padded_image, dtype=np.float32)
image_array = image_array[:, :, ::-1]
return np.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0)
def _postprocess_embedding(
pred, embedding,
model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME,
general_threshold: float = 0.35,
general_mcut_enabled: bool = False,
character_threshold: float = 0.85,
character_mcut_enabled: bool = False,
no_underline: bool = False,
drop_overlap: bool = False,
fmt=('rating', 'general', 'character'),
Post-process the embedding and prediction results.
:param pred: The prediction array.
:type pred: numpy.ndarray
:param embedding: The embedding array.
:type embedding: numpy.ndarray
:param model_name: The name of the model used.
:type model_name: str
:param general_threshold: Threshold for general tags.
:type general_threshold: float
:param general_mcut_enabled: Whether to use MCut for general tags.
:type general_mcut_enabled: bool
:param character_threshold: Threshold for character tags.
:type character_threshold: float
:param character_mcut_enabled: Whether to use MCut for character tags.
:type character_mcut_enabled: bool
:param no_underline: Whether to remove underscores from tag names.
:type no_underline: bool
:param drop_overlap: Whether to drop overlapping tags.
:type drop_overlap: bool
:param fmt: The format of the output.
:return: The post-processed results.
assert len(pred.shape) == len(embedding.shape) == 1, \
f'Both pred and embeddings shapes should be 1-dim, ' \
f'but pred: {pred.shape!r}, embedding: {embedding.shape!r} actually found.'
tag_names, rating_indexes, general_indexes, character_indexes = _get_wd14_labels(model_name, no_underline)
labels = list(zip(tag_names, pred.astype(float)))
rating = {labels[i][0]: labels[i][1].item() for i in rating_indexes}
general_names = [labels[i] for i in general_indexes]
if general_mcut_enabled:
general_probs = np.array([x[1] for x in general_names])
general_threshold = _mcut_threshold(general_probs)
general_res = {x: v.item() for x, v in general_names if v > general_threshold}
if drop_overlap:
general_res = drop_overlap_tags(general_res)
character_names = [labels[i] for i in character_indexes]
if character_mcut_enabled:
character_probs = np.array([x[1] for x in character_names])
character_threshold = _mcut_threshold(character_probs)
character_threshold = max(0.15, character_threshold)
character_res = {x: v.item() for x, v in character_names if v > character_threshold}
return vreplace(
'rating': rating,
'general': general_res,
'character': character_res,
'tag': {**general_res, **character_res},
'embedding': embedding.astype(np.float32),
'prediction': pred.astype(np.float32),
[docs]def convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(
emb: np.ndarray,
model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME,
general_threshold: float = 0.35,
general_mcut_enabled: bool = False,
character_threshold: float = 0.85,
character_mcut_enabled: bool = False,
no_underline: bool = False,
drop_overlap: bool = False,
fmt=('rating', 'general', 'character'),
denormalize: bool = False,
denormalizer_name: str = _DEFAULT_DENORMALIZER_NAME,
Convert WD14 embedding to understandable prediction result. This function can process both
single embeddings (1-dimensional array) and batches of embeddings (2-dimensional array).
:param emb: The extracted embedding(s). Can be either a 1-dim array for single image or
2-dim array for batch processing
:type emb: numpy.ndarray
:param model_name: Name of the WD14 model to use for prediction
:type model_name: str
:param general_threshold: Confidence threshold for general tags (0.0 to 1.0)
:type general_threshold: float
:param general_mcut_enabled: Enable MCut thresholding for general tags to improve prediction quality
:type general_mcut_enabled: bool
:param character_threshold: Confidence threshold for character tags (0.0 to 1.0)
:type character_threshold: float
:param character_mcut_enabled: Enable MCut thresholding for character tags to improve prediction quality
:type character_mcut_enabled: bool
:param no_underline: Replace underscores with spaces in tag names for better readability
:type no_underline: bool
:param drop_overlap: Remove overlapping tags to reduce redundancy
:type drop_overlap: bool
:param fmt: Specify return format structure for predictions, default is ``('rating', 'general', 'character')``.
:type fmt: tuple
:param denormalize: Whether to denormalize the embedding before prediction
:type denormalize: bool
:param denormalizer_name: Name of the denormalizer to use if denormalization is enabled
:type denormalizer_name: str
:return: For single embeddings: prediction result based on fmt. For batches: list of prediction results.
.. note::
Only the embeddings not get normalized can be converted to understandable prediction result.
If normalized embeddings are provided, set ``denormalize=True`` to convert them back.
For batch processing (2-dim input), returns a list where each element corresponds
to one embedding's predictions in the same format as single embedding output.
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags, convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction
>>> # extract the feature embedding, shape: (W, )
>>> embedding = get_wd14_tags('skadi.jpg', fmt='embedding')
>>> # convert to understandable result
>>> rating, general, character = convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(embedding)
>>> # these 3 dicts will be the same as that returned by `get_wd14_tags('skadi.jpg')`
>>> # Batch processing, shape: (B, W)
>>> embeddings = np.stack([
... get_wd14_tags('img1.jpg', fmt='embedding'),
... get_wd14_tags('img2.jpg', fmt='embedding'),
... ])
>>> # results will be a list of (rating, general, character) tuples
>>> results = convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(embeddings)
if denormalize:
emb = denormalize_wd14_emb(
z_weights = _get_wd14_weights(model_name)
weights, bias = z_weights['weights'], z_weights['bias']
pred = sigmoid(emb @ weights + bias)
if len(emb.shape) == 1:
return _postprocess_embedding(
return [
for pred_item, emb_item in zip(pred, emb)
def _open_denormalize_model(
model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME,
denormalizer_name: str = _DEFAULT_DENORMALIZER_NAME,
Open a denormalization model for WD14 embeddings.
:param model_name: Name of the model.
:type model_name: str
:param denormalizer_name: Name of the denormalizer.
:type denormalizer_name: str
:return: The loaded ONNX model.
:rtype: ONNXModel
return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(
[docs]def denormalize_wd14_emb(
emb: np.ndarray,
model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME,
denormalizer_name: str = _DEFAULT_DENORMALIZER_NAME,
) -> np.ndarray:
Denormalize WD14 embeddings.
:param emb: The embedding to denormalize.
:type emb: numpy.ndarray
:param model_name: Name of the model.
:type model_name: str
:param denormalizer_name: Name of the denormalizer.
:type denormalizer_name: str
:return: The denormalized embedding.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags, convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction, denormalize_wd14_emb
>>> embedding, (r, g, c) = get_wd14_tags(
... 'image.png',
... fmt=('embedding', ('rating', 'general', 'character')),
... )
>>> # normalize embedding
>>> embedding = embedding / np.linalg.norm(embedding)
>>> # denormalize this embedding
>>> output = denormalize_wd14_emb(embedding)
>>> # should be similar to r, g, c, approx 1e-3 error
>>> rating, general, character = convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(output)
model = _open_denormalize_model(
emb = emb / np.linalg.norm(emb, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
if len(emb.shape) == 1:
output, = model.run(output_names=['embedding'], input_feed={'input': emb[None, ...]})
return output[0]
embedding_width = model.get_outputs()[0].shape[-1]
origin_shape = emb.shape
emb = emb.reshape(-1, embedding_width)
output, = model.run(output_names=['embedding'], input_feed={'input': emb})
return output.reshape(*origin_shape)