Source code for imgutils.tagging.wd14

    This module provides utilities for image tagging using WD14 taggers.
    It includes functions for loading models, processing images, and extracting tags.

    The module is inspired by the `SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-tags <>`_
    project on Hugging Face.

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Tuple, Any, Optional, Mapping, Dict, Union

import numpy as np
import onnxruntime
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
from hbutils.testing.requires.version import VersionInfo
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download

from .format import remove_underline
from .overlap import drop_overlap_tags
from import load_image, ImageTyping
from ..generic.attachment import open_attachment, Attachment
from ..utils import open_onnx_model, vreplace, sigmoid, ts_lru_cache, vnames

SWIN_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-swinv2-tagger-v2"
CONV_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-convnext-tagger-v2"
CONV2_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-convnextv2-tagger-v2"
VIT_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-vit-tagger-v2"
MOAT_MODEL_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-moat-tagger-v2"
CONV_V3_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-convnext-tagger-v3'
SWIN_V3_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-swinv2-tagger-v3'
VIT_V3_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-vit-tagger-v3'
VIT_LARGE_MODEL_REPO = 'SmilingWolf/wd-vit-large-tagger-v3'
EVA02_LARGE_MODEL_DSV3_REPO = "SmilingWolf/wd-eva02-large-tagger-v3"
MODEL_FILENAME = "model.onnx"
LABEL_FILENAME = "selected_tags.csv"

_IS_V3_SUPPORT = VersionInfo(onnxruntime.__version__) >= '1.17'


    "SwinV2": SWIN_MODEL_REPO,
    "ConvNext": CONV_MODEL_REPO,
    "ConvNextV2": CONV2_MODEL_REPO,

    "SwinV2_v3": SWIN_V3_MODEL_REPO,
    "ConvNext_v3": CONV_V3_MODEL_REPO,
    "ViT_v3": VIT_V3_MODEL_REPO,

def _version_support_check(model_name):
    Check if the current onnxruntime version supports the given model.

    :param model_name: The name of the model to check.
    :type model_name: str
    :raises EnvironmentError: If the model is not supported by the current onnxruntime version.
    if model_name.endswith('_v3') and not _IS_V3_SUPPORT:
        raise EnvironmentError(f'V3 taggers not supported on onnxruntime {onnxruntime.__version__}, '
                               f'please upgrade it to 1.17+ version.\n'
                               f'If you are running on CPU, use "pip install -U onnxruntime" .\n'
                               f'If you are running on GPU, use "pip install -U onnxruntime-gpu" .')  # pragma: no cover

def _get_wd14_model(model_name):
    Load an ONNX model from the Hugging Face Hub.

    :param model_name: The name of the model to load.
    :type model_name: str
    :return: The loaded ONNX model.
    :rtype: ONNXModel
    return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download(

def _get_wd14_weights(model_name):
    Load the weights for a WD14 model.

    :param model_name: The name of the model.
    :type model_name: str
    :return: The loaded weights.
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray
    return np.load(hf_hub_download(

def _get_wd14_labels(model_name, no_underline: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[str], List[int], List[int], List[int]]:
    Get labels for the WD14 model.

    :param model_name: The name of the model.
    :type model_name: str
    :param no_underline: If True, replaces underscores in tag names with spaces.
    :type no_underline: bool
    :return: A tuple containing the list of tag names, and lists of indexes for rating, general, and character categories.
    :rtype: Tuple[List[str], List[int], List[int], List[int]]
    path = hf_hub_download(MODEL_NAMES[model_name], LABEL_FILENAME)
    df = pd.read_csv(path)
    name_series = df["name"]
    if no_underline:
        name_series =
    tag_names = name_series.tolist()

    rating_indexes = list(np.where(df["category"] == 9)[0])
    general_indexes = list(np.where(df["category"] == 0)[0])
    character_indexes = list(np.where(df["category"] == 4)[0])
    return tag_names, rating_indexes, general_indexes, character_indexes

def _mcut_threshold(probs) -> float:
    Compute the Maximum Cut Thresholding (MCut) for multi-label classification.

    This method is based on the paper:
    Largeron, C., Moulin, C., & Gery, M. (2012). MCut: A Thresholding Strategy
    for Multi-label Classification. In 11th International Symposium, IDA 2012
    (pp. 172-183).

    :param probs: Array of probabilities.
    :type probs: numpy.ndarray
    :return: The computed threshold.
    :rtype: float
    sorted_probs = probs[probs.argsort()[::-1]]
    difs = sorted_probs[:-1] - sorted_probs[1:]
    t = difs.argmax()
    thresh = (sorted_probs[t] + sorted_probs[t + 1]) / 2
    return thresh

def _prepare_image_for_tagging(image: ImageTyping, target_size: int):
    Prepare an image for tagging by resizing and padding it.

    :param image: The input image.
    :type image: ImageTyping
    :param target_size: The target size for the image.
    :type target_size: int
    :return: The prepared image as a numpy array.
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray
    image = load_image(image, force_background=None, mode=None)
    image_shape = image.size
    max_dim = max(image_shape)
    pad_left = (max_dim - image_shape[0]) // 2
    pad_top = (max_dim - image_shape[1]) // 2

    padded_image ="RGB", (max_dim, max_dim), (255, 255, 255))
        padded_image.paste(image, (pad_left, pad_top), mask=image)
    except ValueError:
        padded_image.paste(image, (pad_left, pad_top))

    if max_dim != target_size:
        padded_image = padded_image.resize((target_size, target_size), Image.BICUBIC)

    image_array = np.asarray(padded_image, dtype=np.float32)
    image_array = image_array[:, :, ::-1]
    return np.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0)

def _postprocess_embedding(
        pred, embedding,
        model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME,
        general_threshold: float = 0.35,
        general_mcut_enabled: bool = False,
        character_threshold: float = 0.85,
        character_mcut_enabled: bool = False,
        no_underline: bool = False,
        drop_overlap: bool = False,
        fmt: Any = ('rating', 'general', 'character'),
        attachments: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, dict]]]] = None,
    Post-process the embedding and prediction results.

    :param pred: The prediction array.
    :type pred: numpy.ndarray
    :param embedding: The embedding array.
    :type embedding: numpy.ndarray
    :param model_name: The name of the model used.
    :type model_name: str
    :param general_threshold: Threshold for general tags.
    :type general_threshold: float
    :param general_mcut_enabled: Whether to use MCut for general tags.
    :type general_mcut_enabled: bool
    :param character_threshold: Threshold for character tags.
    :type character_threshold: float
    :param character_mcut_enabled: Whether to use MCut for character tags.
    :type character_mcut_enabled: bool
    :param no_underline: Whether to remove underscores from tag names.
    :type no_underline: bool
    :param drop_overlap: Whether to drop overlapping tags.
    :type drop_overlap: bool
    :param fmt: Output format specification defining which components to include
    :type fmt: Any
    :param attachments: Additional model attachments for extended tagging capabilities
    :type attachments: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, dict]]]]

    :return: Processed tagging results in the specified format
    :rtype: Any
    :raises ValueError: If attachment configuration is invalid or incompatible
    attachments = dict(attachments or {})
    d_attachments: Dict[str, Tuple[Attachment, dict]] = {}
    for attach_name, attach_tpl in attachments.items():
        if '/' in attach_name:
            raise ValueError(f'Invalid attachment register name, no \'/\' required - {attach_name!r}.')

        if len(attach_tpl) == 2:
            (attach_repo_id, attach_model_name), attach_kwargs = attach_tpl, {}
        elif len(attach_tpl) == 3:
            attach_repo_id, attach_model_name, attach_kwargs = attach_tpl
            raise ValueError(f'Invalid attachment tuple for {attach_name!r}, '
                             f'2 or 3 elements expected but {attach_tpl!r} found.')
        attachment = open_attachment(repo_id=attach_repo_id, model_name=attach_model_name)
        expected_encoder_model = f'wdtagger:{MODEL_NAMES[model_name]}'
        if attachment.encoder_model != expected_encoder_model:
            raise ValueError(f'Attachment encoder model not match, '
                             f'{expected_encoder_model!r} expected but {attachment.encoder_model!r} found '
                             f'for {attach_name!r}.')
        d_attachments[attach_name] = (attachment, attach_kwargs)

    assert len(pred.shape) == len(embedding.shape) == 1, \
        f'Both pred and embeddings shapes should be 1-dim, ' \
        f'but pred: {pred.shape!r}, embedding: {embedding.shape!r} actually found.'
    tag_names, rating_indexes, general_indexes, character_indexes = _get_wd14_labels(model_name, no_underline)
    labels = list(zip(tag_names, pred.astype(float)))

    rating = {labels[i][0]: labels[i][1].item() for i in rating_indexes}

    general_names = [labels[i] for i in general_indexes]
    if general_mcut_enabled:
        general_probs = np.array([x[1] for x in general_names])
        general_threshold = _mcut_threshold(general_probs)

    general_res = {x: v.item() for x, v in general_names if v > general_threshold}
    if drop_overlap:
        general_res = drop_overlap_tags(general_res)

    character_names = [labels[i] for i in character_indexes]
    if character_mcut_enabled:
        character_probs = np.array([x[1] for x in character_names])
        character_threshold = _mcut_threshold(character_probs)
        character_threshold = max(0.15, character_threshold)

    character_res = {x: v.item() for x, v in character_names if v > character_threshold}

    mapping_values = {
        'rating': rating,
        'general': general_res,
        'character': character_res,
        'tag': {**general_res, **character_res},
        'embedding': embedding.astype(np.float32),
        'prediction': pred.astype(np.float32),

    d_attach_infers = defaultdict(list)
    for vname in vnames(fmt):
        if '/' in vname and vname.split('/', maxsplit=1)[0] in d_attachments:
            attach_name, attach_fmt_name = vname.split('/', maxsplit=1)
    for attach_name, attach_infer_names in d_attach_infers.items():
        attachment, attach_kwargs = d_attachments[attach_name]
        attach_infer_values = attachment.predict(embedding=embedding, fmt=attach_infer_names, **attach_kwargs)
        attach_mapping_names = [f'{attach_name}/{name}' for name in attach_infer_names]
        mapping_values.update(dict(zip(attach_mapping_names, attach_infer_values)))

    return vreplace(fmt, mapping_values)

[docs]def get_wd14_tags( image: ImageTyping, model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME, general_threshold: float = 0.35, general_mcut_enabled: bool = False, character_threshold: float = 0.85, character_mcut_enabled: bool = False, no_underline: bool = False, drop_overlap: bool = False, fmt: Any = ('rating', 'general', 'character'), attachments: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, dict]]]] = None, ): """ Get tags for an image using WD14 taggers. This function is similar to the `SmilingWolf/wd-v1-4-tags <>`_ project on Hugging Face. :param image: The input image. :type image: ImageTyping :param model_name: The name of the model to use. :type model_name: str :param general_threshold: The threshold for general tags. :type general_threshold: float :param general_mcut_enabled: If True, applies MCut thresholding to general tags. :type general_mcut_enabled: bool :param character_threshold: The threshold for character tags. :type character_threshold: float :param character_mcut_enabled: If True, applies MCut thresholding to character tags. :type character_mcut_enabled: bool :param no_underline: If True, replaces underscores in tag names with spaces. :type no_underline: bool :param drop_overlap: If True, drops overlapping tags. :type drop_overlap: bool :param fmt: Return format, default is ``('rating', 'general', 'character')``. ``embedding`` is also supported for feature extraction. :type fmt: Any :param attachments: Additional model attachments for extended tagging capabilities :type attachments: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, dict]]]] :return: Prediction result based on the provided fmt. :rtype: Any :raises ValueError: If attachment configuration is invalid or incompatible .. note:: The fmt argument can include the following keys: - ``rating``: a dict containing ratings and their confidences - ``general``: a dict containing general tags and their confidences - ``character``: a dict containing character tags and their confidences - ``tag``: a dict containing all tags (including general and character, not including rating) and their confidences - ``embedding``: a 1-dim embedding of image, recommended for index building after L2 normalization - ``prediction``: a 1-dim prediction result of image You can extract embedding of the given image with the follwing code >>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags >>> >>> embedding = get_wd14_tags('skadi.jpg', fmt='embedding') >>> embedding.shape (1024, ) This embedding is valuable for constructing indices that enable rapid querying of images based on visual features within large-scale datasets. .. note:: The attachment system allows integration of additional tagging models to extend the base WD14 tagger's capabilities. Attachments are specified using a dictionary with the following format: .. code-block:: python attachments = { 'name': ('repo_id', 'model_name'), # Basic format 'name': ('repo_id', 'model_name', {'threshold': 0.35}) # With additional parameters when predicting } The ``fmt`` argument can include attachment results using the format 'name/key', where: - ``name``: The name specified in the attachments dictionary - ``key``: The specific output type requested from the attachment For example: >>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags >>> >>> # Using an attachment for additional style tagging >>> results = get_wd14_tags( ... 'image.jpg', ... attachments={'monochrome': ('deepghs/eattach_monochrome_experiments', 'mlp_layer1_seed1')}, ... fmt=('general', 'monochrome/scores') ... ) >>> >>> # Results will include both base tags and attachment outputs >>> print(results) ( {'1girl': 0.99, ...}, {'monochrome': 0.999, 'normal': 0.001}, ) Multiple attachments can be used simultaneously, and each attachment can provide multiple output types through its fmt specification. Ensure that attachment models are compatible with the base WD14 model's embedding format. Example: Here are some images for example .. image:: :align: center >>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags >>> >>> rating, features, chars = get_wd14_tags('skadi.jpg') >>> rating {'general': 0.0011444687843322754, 'sensitive': 0.8876402974128723, 'questionable': 0.106781005859375, 'explicit': 0.000277101993560791} >>> features {'1girl': 0.997527003288269, 'solo': 0.9797663688659668, 'long_hair': 0.9905703663825989, 'breasts': 0.9761719703674316, 'looking_at_viewer': 0.8981098532676697, 'bangs': 0.8810765743255615, 'large_breasts': 0.9498510360717773, 'shirt': 0.8377365469932556, 'red_eyes': 0.945058286190033, 'gloves': 0.9457170367240906, 'navel': 0.969594419002533, 'holding': 0.7881088852882385, 'hair_between_eyes': 0.7687551379203796, 'very_long_hair': 0.9301245212554932, 'standing': 0.6703325510025024, 'white_hair': 0.5292627811431885, 'short_sleeves': 0.8677047491073608, 'grey_hair': 0.5859264731407166, 'thighs': 0.9536856412887573, 'cowboy_shot': 0.8056888580322266, 'sweat': 0.8394746780395508, 'outdoors': 0.9473626613616943, 'parted_lips': 0.8986269235610962, 'sky': 0.9385137557983398, 'shorts': 0.8408567905426025, 'alternate_costume': 0.4245271384716034, 'day': 0.931140661239624, 'black_gloves': 0.8830795884132385, 'midriff': 0.7279844284057617, 'artist_name': 0.5333830714225769, 'cloud': 0.64717698097229, 'stomach': 0.9516432285308838, 'blue_sky': 0.9655293226242065, 'crop_top': 0.9485014081001282, 'black_shirt': 0.7366660833358765, 'short_shorts': 0.7161656618118286, 'ass_visible_through_thighs': 0.5858667492866516, 'black_shorts': 0.6186309456825256, 'thigh_gap': 0.41193312406539917, 'no_headwear': 0.467605859041214, 'low-tied_long_hair': 0.36282333731651306, 'sportswear': 0.3756745457649231, 'motion_blur': 0.5091936588287354, 'baseball_bat': 0.951993465423584, 'baseball': 0.5634750723838806, 'holding_baseball_bat': 0.8232709169387817} >>> chars {'skadi_(arknights)': 0.9869340658187866} >>> >>> rating, features, chars = get_wd14_tags('hutao.jpg') >>> rating {'general': 0.49491602182388306, 'sensitive': 0.5193622708320618, 'questionable': 0.003406703472137451, 'explicit': 0.0007208287715911865} >>> features {'1girl': 0.9798132181167603, 'solo': 0.8046203851699829, 'long_hair': 0.7596215009689331, 'looking_at_viewer': 0.7620116472244263, 'blush': 0.46084529161453247, 'smile': 0.48454540967941284, 'bangs': 0.5152207016944885, 'skirt': 0.8023070096969604, 'brown_hair': 0.8653596639633179, 'hair_ornament': 0.7201820611953735, 'red_eyes': 0.7816740870475769, 'long_sleeves': 0.697688639163971, 'twintails': 0.8974947333335876, 'school_uniform': 0.7491052746772766, 'jacket': 0.5015512704849243, 'flower': 0.6401398181915283, 'ahoge': 0.43420469760894775, 'pleated_skirt': 0.4528769850730896, 'outdoors': 0.5730487704277039, 'tongue': 0.6739872694015503, 'hair_flower': 0.5545973181724548, 'tongue_out': 0.6946243047714233, 'bag': 0.5487751364707947, 'symbol-shaped_pupils': 0.7439308166503906, 'blazer': 0.4186026453971863, 'backpack': 0.47378358244895935, ':p': 0.4690653085708618, 'ghost': 0.7565015554428101} >>> chars {'hu_tao_(genshin_impact)': 0.9262397289276123, 'boo_tao_(genshin_impact)': 0.942080020904541} """ model = _get_wd14_model(model_name) _, target_size, _, _ = model.get_inputs()[0].shape image = _prepare_image_for_tagging(image, target_size) input_name = model.get_inputs()[0].name assert len(model.get_outputs()) == 2 label_name = model.get_outputs()[0].name emb_name = model.get_outputs()[1].name preds, embeddings =[label_name, emb_name], {input_name: image}) return _postprocess_embedding( pred=preds[0], embedding=embeddings[0], model_name=model_name, general_threshold=general_threshold, general_mcut_enabled=general_mcut_enabled, character_threshold=character_threshold, character_mcut_enabled=character_mcut_enabled, no_underline=no_underline, drop_overlap=drop_overlap, fmt=fmt, attachments=attachments, )
[docs]def convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction( emb: np.ndarray, model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME, general_threshold: float = 0.35, general_mcut_enabled: bool = False, character_threshold: float = 0.85, character_mcut_enabled: bool = False, no_underline: bool = False, drop_overlap: bool = False, fmt: Any = ('rating', 'general', 'character'), attachments: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, dict]]]] = None, denormalize: bool = False, denormalizer_name: str = _DEFAULT_DENORMALIZER_NAME, ): """ Convert WD14 embedding to understandable prediction result. This function can process both single embeddings (1-dimensional array) and batches of embeddings (2-dimensional array). :param emb: The extracted embedding(s). Can be either a 1-dim array for single image or 2-dim array for batch processing :type emb: numpy.ndarray :param model_name: Name of the WD14 model to use for prediction :type model_name: str :param general_threshold: Confidence threshold for general tags (0.0 to 1.0) :type general_threshold: float :param general_mcut_enabled: Enable MCut thresholding for general tags to improve prediction quality :type general_mcut_enabled: bool :param character_threshold: Confidence threshold for character tags (0.0 to 1.0) :type character_threshold: float :param character_mcut_enabled: Enable MCut thresholding for character tags to improve prediction quality :type character_mcut_enabled: bool :param no_underline: Replace underscores with spaces in tag names for better readability :type no_underline: bool :param drop_overlap: Remove overlapping tags to reduce redundancy :type drop_overlap: bool :param fmt: Specify return format structure for predictions, default is ``('rating', 'general', 'character')``. :type fmt: Any :param attachments: Additional model attachments for extended tagging capabilities :type attachments: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str, dict]]]] :param denormalize: Whether to denormalize the embedding before prediction :type denormalize: bool :param denormalizer_name: Name of the denormalizer to use if denormalization is enabled :type denormalizer_name: str :return: For single embeddings: prediction result based on fmt. For batches: list of prediction results. :rtype: Any :raises ValueError: If attachment configuration is invalid or incompatible .. note:: Only the embeddings not get normalized can be converted to understandable prediction result. If normalized embeddings are provided, set ``denormalize=True`` to convert them back. For batch processing (2-dim input), returns a list where each element corresponds to one embedding's predictions in the same format as single embedding output. Example: >>> import os >>> import numpy as np >>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags, convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction >>> >>> # extract the feature embedding, shape: (W, ) >>> embedding = get_wd14_tags('skadi.jpg', fmt='embedding') >>> >>> # convert to understandable result >>> rating, general, character = convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(embedding) >>> # these 3 dicts will be the same as that returned by `get_wd14_tags('skadi.jpg')` >>> >>> # Batch processing, shape: (B, W) >>> embeddings = np.stack([ ... get_wd14_tags('img1.jpg', fmt='embedding'), ... get_wd14_tags('img2.jpg', fmt='embedding'), ... ]) >>> # results will be a list of (rating, general, character) tuples >>> results = convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(embeddings) """ if denormalize: emb = denormalize_wd14_emb( emb=emb, model_name=model_name, denormalizer_name=denormalizer_name, ) z_weights = _get_wd14_weights(model_name) weights, bias = z_weights['weights'], z_weights['bias'] pred = sigmoid(emb @ weights + bias) if len(emb.shape) == 1: return _postprocess_embedding( pred=pred, embedding=emb, model_name=model_name, general_threshold=general_threshold, general_mcut_enabled=general_mcut_enabled, character_threshold=character_threshold, character_mcut_enabled=character_mcut_enabled, no_underline=no_underline, drop_overlap=drop_overlap, fmt=fmt, attachments=attachments, ) else: return [ _postprocess_embedding( pred=pred_item, embedding=emb_item, model_name=model_name, general_threshold=general_threshold, general_mcut_enabled=general_mcut_enabled, character_threshold=character_threshold, character_mcut_enabled=character_mcut_enabled, no_underline=no_underline, drop_overlap=drop_overlap, fmt=fmt, attachments=attachments, ) for pred_item, emb_item in zip(pred, emb) ]
@ts_lru_cache() def _open_denormalize_model( model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME, denormalizer_name: str = _DEFAULT_DENORMALIZER_NAME, ): """ Open a denormalization model for WD14 embeddings. :param model_name: Name of the model. :type model_name: str :param denormalizer_name: Name of the denormalizer. :type denormalizer_name: str :return: The loaded ONNX model. :rtype: ONNXModel """ return open_onnx_model(hf_hub_download( repo_id='deepghs/embedding_aligner', repo_type='model', filename=f'{model_name}_{denormalizer_name}/model.onnx', ))
[docs]def denormalize_wd14_emb( emb: np.ndarray, model_name: str = _DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME, denormalizer_name: str = _DEFAULT_DENORMALIZER_NAME, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Denormalize WD14 embeddings. :param emb: The embedding to denormalize. :type emb: numpy.ndarray :param model_name: Name of the model. :type model_name: str :param denormalizer_name: Name of the denormalizer. :type denormalizer_name: str :return: The denormalized embedding. :rtype: numpy.ndarray Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from imgutils.tagging import get_wd14_tags, convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction, denormalize_wd14_emb ... >>> embedding, (r, g, c) = get_wd14_tags( ... 'image.png', ... fmt=('embedding', ('rating', 'general', 'character')), ... ) ... >>> # normalize embedding >>> embedding = embedding / np.linalg.norm(embedding) ... >>> # denormalize this embedding >>> output = denormalize_wd14_emb(embedding) ... >>> # should be similar to r, g, c, approx 1e-3 error >>> rating, general, character = convert_wd14_emb_to_prediction(output) """ model = _open_denormalize_model( model_name=model_name, denormalizer_name=denormalizer_name, ) emb = emb / np.linalg.norm(emb, axis=-1, keepdims=True) if len(emb.shape) == 1: output, =['embedding'], input_feed={'input': emb[None, ...]}) return output[0] else: embedding_width = model.get_outputs()[0].shape[-1] origin_shape = emb.shape emb = emb.reshape(-1, embedding_width) output, =['embedding'], input_feed={'input': emb}) return output.reshape(*origin_shape)